====== Venable's short course -- materials ======
**Atention:** the download of the course materials below **DO NO WORK WITH INTERNET EXPLORER**. Use another browser, as for instance [[http://http://www.mozilla.com|Mozilla Firefox]]
==== Course materials ====
^ Course Slides ^ CSV data files ^ R scripts ^
| {{eventos:venables2007:slides.zip|PDF slides}} | {{eventos:venables2007:csv.zip|CSV files}} | {{eventos:venables2007:scripts.zip|R scripts}} |
| {{eventos:venables2007:powerpoint_slides.zip|Slides powerpoint}}| -- | -- |
==== Other materials ====
- ASOR package (//already installed in the C3SL servers//)
* {{eventos:venables2007:asor_1.0.tar.gz|.tar.gz file}} (for linux install) \\ **NOTE:** the WIKI system makes all files lower case(!) so, before installing this in your LINUX box you need to rename the file:
$ mv asor_1.0.tar.gz ASOR_1.0.tar.gz
$ sudo R CMD INSTALL ASOR_1.0.tar.gz
* {{eventos:venables2007:asor_1.0.zip|.zip file}} (for windows install)
- Text: {{eventos:venables2007:exegeses.pdf|Exegeses in Linear Models}}
- Additional scripts:
* {{eventos:venables2007:boston.r|Boston housing price -- setting training and test data for tree model using ''rpart()'' and ''randomForest''}}
* {{eventos:venables2007:menarche.r|Menarche data -- GLM for binomial counts}}
* {{eventos:venables2007:plinear.r|the plinear method for non linear models}}
===== Instructions for usage at LM/C3SL - UFPR=====
At UFPR the course will be run in the LM (Laboratório Multiterminal) run by C3SL (Contro de computação científica e Softaware Livre). The LM provides LINUX terminals connected with servers. The user working area is common meaning you can user whatever terminal and/or server to get access to your account.
In the following instructions the LINUX prompt is ''$'' and the R prompt is ''>''.
- Open a Linux ''terminal window'' for issuing LINUX commands
- create a working directory called, for example, ''Rmodelling'' for use in this course move to it:
$ mkdir Rmodelling
$ cd Rmodelling
- download the zipped files above (csv.zip, scripts.zip, slides.zip) copying them to the working directory
- unzip the files with the commands below. This will create the subdirectories ''CSV'', ''Scripts'' and ''Slides'':
Rmodelling$ unzip csv.zip
Rmodelling$ unzip scripts.zip
Rmodelling$ unzip slides.zip
- copy one file from the CSV directory to the working directory:
Rmodelling$ cp CSV/makeInputData.r .
- Start ''R'' inside the ''Rcourse'' directory --- this will make ''Rcourse'' your //working directory//. You can do this in two different ways:
* Running ''R'' directly from the ''LINUX terminal'' simply by typing ''R'':
Rmodelling$ R
* running from inside the editor ''xemacs'' using the ESS (Emacs Speaks Statistics) package. To do so open ''xemacs'' and stard R from it with ''ESC SHIFT-X SHIFT-R''
Rmodelling$ xemacs makeInputData.R &
- From inside ''R'' run the ''makeInputData.r'' script
> source("makeInputData.r")
- The script will automatically generate another script file called ''inputData.R'' which reads all the data needed for the course. This script file should be run with:
> source("inputData.R")