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IBC-2010 : Programme Changes

IBC-2010 : Programme Changes

Some changes were notified by the authors after the printing of the conference programme.
This page lists changes known to us compared with the printed version conference programme.

They are separated in in the following topics:

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Sessions with changes on presentations

Monday 07/12

11:00 Reitoria Auditorium
Invited Session 2: Genomic data integration using sparse matrix decomposition methods
Chair: Aeilko H Zwinderman (Netherlands)

11:00 A general framework for sparse matrix decomposition techniques
Daniela Witten (University of Washington, US)

**11:30 (WITHDRAW) Genetic control of genome wide expression in brain cancer tissue: nonlinear sparse CCA**
**Sandra Waaijenborg (University Medical Center Utrecht, The Netherlands) **

12:00 Unravelling omics datasets with sparse PLS
Kim-Anh Le Cao (University of Queensland, Australia)

12:30 (UNABLE TO COME) Discussant
**Paul Eilers (Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands)**

16:15 Reitoria Auditorium 
Contributed Oral 3: Regression Methods
17:42 Bootstrap-based methods for assesing continuous covariate effect in ROC-GAM regression models 
María Xosé Rodríguez-Alvarez, Javier Roca-Pardiñas, Carmen Cadarso-Suárez

Epidemiological Methods IV

Tuesday 08/12

10:30 CONTRIBUTED ORAL 5: Bayesian Methods II
Assessing the Spatial Distribution of Mussel Seed Using Structured Additive Regression Models for Zero-inflated Count Data
Maria P. Pata, Univ of Santiago de Compostela


15:40 CONTRIBUTED ORAL 11: Biosurveillance and Biosecurity
Chair: Renato M. Assuncao (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil)

Thursday 09/12

15:40 Garapuvu Auditorium (CHANGES IN TALKS AND CHAIR)
Invited Session 12: Statistical challenges and advancements in eQTL mapping studies
**New CHAIR** Chair: Xinping Cui (University of California Riverside, US)

15:40 Design of microarray experiments for genetical genomics studies with outbred populations
Guilherme J.M. Rosa (University of Wisconsin, US) 

16:05 Nonparametric modeling of RNA-seq (see abstract below)
Ping Ma (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, US)

16:30 Linear mixed model analysis to identify cis-acting eQTL and candidate genes in crosses between breeds of livestock
Juan P. Steibel (Michigan State University, US)

16:55 Single Feature Polymorphism Detection in Mapping Population and their Application in eQTL Analysis
Xinping Cui (University of California Riverside, US)

Friday 10/12

08:30 Garapuvu Auditorium (times to be rearranged)
Invited Session 13: Multivariable model-building with continuous variables ? a comparison of flexible regression approaches
Chair: Elia Biganzoli (Italy) and Willi Sauerbrei (Institute of Medical Biometry and Informatics, Freiburg, Germany)

08:30 Comparison of alternative strategies for building a flexible regression-spline based multivariable survival model
Michal Abrahamowicz (McGill University, Canada)

09:00 (WITHDRAW) Model building with P-splines and fractional polynomials
Paul Eilers (Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands)

09:30 Comparison of fractional polynomial and spline approaches in simulated and real data based on new measures
Harald Binder (University Medical Centre, Freiburg, Germany)

10:00 Discussant
Christel Faes (Hasselt University, Belgium)

10:45 Reitoria Auditorium
Invited Session 15: New directions in interval censored time to event data
Chair: Somnath Datta (KY)

10:45 Estimating functions for the analysis of clustered current status data
Richard Cook (University of Waterloo, Canada)

11:25 Estimation in illness-death models with all transitions interval-censored
Niels Keiding (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)

12:05 Discussant
Hans van Houwelingen (Leiden University, The Netherlands


The following contributions will no longer be presented (by author request)

Monday 06/12

11:00 CONTRIBUTED ORAL 1: Bayesian Methods 1
Computational implementation of an reversible jump mcmc algorithm to garch models aplied to climatological time series
Gabriel Sarmanho, Afrânio Vieira, UnB; Paulo Lucio, UFRN

11:00 CONTRIBUTED ORAL 1: Capture/Recapture Estimation Methods
Stochastic animal movement models generating circular distributions
William Reed, Univ of Victoria

14:00 CONTRIBUTED ORAL 2: Epidemiological Methods I
Chair: Stijn Vansteelandt (Ghent University, Belgium)
Epidemiological Model Using Celular Automata
Rosana Massahud, Iraziet Charret, Univ of Lavras

14:17 CONTRIBUTED ORAL 2: Social Research
Height and union formation in India.
Jeroen Smits, Radboud Univ Nijmegen; Christiaan Monden, Oxford Univ

14:52 Contributed Oral 2: Social Research 
Bayesian hierarchical dynamic models for cortisol stress response on preschoolers: cross culture emotion regulation
Niko Kaciroti, Univ of Michigan

Tuesday 07/12

08:15 Contributed Oral 4: Experimental Design
Dose finding designs for responses of mixed types: the model based approach 
Valerii Fedorov, GlaxoSmithKline

10:30 CONTRIBUTED ORAL 5: High Dimensional Data II
Interactive multidimensional analysis tool based on radial visualization
Carmelo A. Ávila Zarza, Moisés Inestroza, Roberto Theron, Univ of Salamanca

10:30 CONTRIBUTED ORAL 5: Bioinformatics
Case-Parent Triad Studies of Genetic Association and Gene-Gene Interaction in the Presence of Missing Data
Tracy Bergemann, Univ of Minnesota; Matthew Deyo-Svendsen, Univ of Minnesota Medical Sch -- Duluth Campus

11:40 Contributed Oral 5: Missing Data Methods
A semi-parametric, time-varying means model approach to pattern mixture models
Samantha MaWhinney, Colorado Sch of Public Health; Jeri Harwood, Univ of Colorado Denver, Sch of Med

Thursday 09/11

08:15 CONTRIBUTED ORAL 8: Clustering in Genetics and Genomics
Assessing Similarity of DNA Profiles
Graham Hepworth, Ian Gordon, The Univ of Melbourne

10:20 CONTRIBUTED ORAL 9: Times Series Analysis
Garch models for short-term climate prediction via Bayesian approach
Gabriel Sarmanho, Afrânio Vieira, UnB; Paulo Lucio, UFRN

13:35 CONTRIBUTED ORAL 10: Categorical Data
Graphical displays for incomplete contingency tables
Serpil Aktas, Hacettepe Univ

13:35 CONTRIBUTED ORAL 10: Cancer Research
Biostatistical strategies for the identification of "Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms" as predictive markers of response to radiochemotherapy in rectal cancer
Caroline Bascoul-Mollevi, CRLC Val d'Aurelle; Bruno Pereira, CHU Clermont-Ferrand; Evelyne Crapez, Eric Assenat, CRLC Val d'Aurelle; 
Andrew Kramar, Ctr Oscar Lambret

14:27 CONTRIBUTED ORAL 10: Cancer Research
Nutrient-based dietary patterns and the risk of cancer
Valeria Edefonti, Univ degli Studi di Milano; Francesca Bravi, Univ degli Studi di Milano; Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche; Monica Ferraroni, Univ degli Studi di Milano; Adriano Decarli, Univ degli Studi di Milano; Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milano

14:45 Contributed Oral 10: Medical Research
Built Environment and Obesity Risk Factors: Where You Live, Work and Commute Influence Your Weight Status? A Spatial Analysis of Elementary School Personnel in New Orleans, LA
Adriana Dornelles, Janet Rice, Larry Webber, Diego Rose, Tulane Univ

Friday 10/11

08:30 CONTRIBUTED ORAL 12: Epidemiological Methods IV
Detecting Rupture Events in the Development of Therapeutic Alliance
Ines Sousa, Univ do Minho

Bootstrap-based methods for assesing continUous covariate effect in ROC-GAM regression models 
María Xosé Rodríguez-Alvarez, Univ of Santiago de Compostela; Javier Roca-Pardiñas, Univ of Vigo; 
Carmen Cadarso-Suárez, Univ of Santiago de Compostela

10:45 CONTRIBUTED ORAL 13: Disease Epidemiology
Pregnancy-associated breast cancer (PABC) and mortality: the influence of proximity to delivery and time-since-diagnosis
Anna Johansson, Therese Andersson, Karolinska Instt; Sven Cnattingius, Karolinska Instt at Karolinska Univ Hosp Solna; Chung-Cheng Hsieh, Univ of Massachusetts Medical Sch; Mats Lambe, Karolinska Instt

11:15 Invited Session 15: New directions in interval censored time to event data
Subtyping of tumors at diagnosis: application of current statusdata methods
Debashis Ghosh (Penn State University, US)

CONTRIBUTED ORAL 13: Multiple Testing 
11:55 Evaluation of testing methods for multiple correlated endpoints 
Ting-Li Su, John Whitehead, Lancaster Univ, UK; Michael Branson, Ekkehard Glimm, Novartis Pharma AG, Basel, Switzerland

Joint method in model Regression
Hope Mbachu (Imo State Polytecnic Umuagwa Imo State Nigeria

14:15 CONTRIBUTED ORAL 14: Survival Data V
Smoothing survival estimates through pseudo observations
Federico Ambrogi, Elia Biganzoli, Patrizia Boracchi, Univ degli Studi di Milano

14:15 CONTRIBUTED ORAL 14: Survival Data V
Hybrid Intensity Models with threshold Stress and frailty terms for Univariate Survival Data
Cynthia Tojeiro, Francisco Louzada Neto, UFSCar

Change in Presenting author or author information

Monday 06/12

11:25 Invited Session 1: Breakthroughs in longitudinal data	
Estimation of optimal treatment strategies from longitudinal observational studies with intermittent clinic visits
Andrea Rotnitzky (Universidad Di Tella, Argentina)

17:25 Contributed Oral 3: High Dimensional Data I
Evaluation of four dicrimination rules for the assignation of metabolic functions of proteins of lactococus lactis using phylogenetic profiles
Liliana López Kleine, Nicolas Molano Gonzalez, Univ Nacional de Colombia
NEW PRESENTING AUTHOR: Nicolas Molano Gonzalez

Tuesday 07/12

08:15 Contributed Oral 4: Epidemiological Methods II 
Shared frailty models and the estimation of heterogeneities in transmission
Paddy Farrington, Steffen Unkel, Open Univ

08:15 CONTRIBUTED ORAL 4: Mixed Models
Approximate inference in generalized linear mixed models with flexible random effects densities
Georgios Papageorgiou, John Hinde, Natl Univ of Ireland, Galway

10:30 Contributed oral 5: High Dimensional Data II 
Predicting Multitrait Phenotyes from Genomic and Genetic data via Gaussian Markov Random Fields and L1 Penalties 
Patricia Menendez, Martin Boer, Cajo ter Braak,Paul Eilers, Fred van Eeuwijk,  Biometris, Wageningen University

14:00 Garapuvu Auditorium 
Jabes Showcase: Mountains, Valleys, and Rivers: The Transmission of Raccoon Rabies over a Heterogeneous Landscape
Lance Waller, David Wheeler, Emory Univ, Atlanta


17:25 Contributed Oral 7: Software and Computational Methods
Are descriptive multivariate techniques useful for the determination of protein functions from genomic data?
Liliana López Kleine, Luis Eduardo Ospina Forero, Univ Nacional de Colombia
NEW PRESENTING AUTHOR: Luis Eduardo Ospina Forero

Poster Session II
Association Of the C Reactive Protein with the Metabolic Syndrome in Students of the Federal University of Viçosa
NEW LIST OF AUTHORS: Daniele Tôrres Rodrigues, Mariane Alves Gomes da Silva, Ana Carolina Pinheiro Volp, Antônio Policarpo Souza Carneiro, UFV

Thursday 10/12

08:15 INVITED SESSION 9: Statistical issues in vaccine studies
New statistical methods for assessing vaccine safety in the field
**Mounia Hocine** and Paddy Farrington (The Open University, UK)
10:20 CONTRIBUTED ORAL 9: Disease Mapping
Chilean cardiovascular disease mortality atlases, 2000-2007
M Gloria Icaza, Loreto Núñez, Univ de Talca; Francisco Torres Avilés, Univ de Santiago de Chile; Nora Díaz Sanzana, Univ de Talca; 
José Emilio Villarroel de la Sota, Dept de Epidemiología, Ministerio de Salud de Chile

10:20 Room 9C Contributed Oral 9: High Dimensional Data III

10:37 Contributed Oral 9: Disease Mapping	
Spatio-temporal modelling of dengue risk sensitivity to climate variability in Brazil
Rachel Lowe, Trevor Bailey, David Stephenson, Univ of Exeter


Friday 10/12

08:30 CONTRIBUTED ORAL 12: Infectious Diseases
Poisson mixture regression model to analyse hiv/aids length of stay
Sara S. Dias, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas - Univ Nova de Lisboa; Valeska Andreozzi, Ctr de Estatística e   Aplicações da Univ de Lisboa; Maria O. Martins, Insto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical - Univ Nova de Lisboa
09:22 Methodological challenges for estimating when to start antiretroviral therapy in HIV+ subjects
Liliana Orellana, Univ de Buenos Aires; Andrea Rotnitzky, Univ Torcuato Di Tella - Harvard Univ
10:45 CONTRIBUTED ORAL 13: Genetics
Applying nonlinear mixed regression models in the design of new probiotic products
Birgitt Wiese, Inst for Biometrics; Elena Bru, María Silvina Juarez Tomás, Carolina Espeche, Ctr de Referencia para Lactobacilos; Natalia Cecilia Maldonado, Ctr de Referencia; Esteban Vera Pingitore, María Elena Fatima Nader-Macías, Ctr de Referencia para Lactobacilos
11:37 Contributed Oral 13: Multiple Testing 
Multiple Testing Methods in Clinical Trials
David Afshartous, Univ of Miami; Michael Wolf, Univ of Zurich
14:32 Contributed Oral 14: Survival Data V
The Log-Beta Generalized Half-Normal Regression Model
Rodrigo Pescim, Edwin Ortega, ESALQ/USP; Gauss Cordeiro, UFRPE/PE; Clarice Demétrio, ESALQ/USP

New abstract

Thursday 09/12

15:40 Invited Session 12: Statistical challenges and advancements in eQTL mapping studies
Nonparametric modeling of RNA-seq
Ping Ma
Department of Statistics and Institute for Genomic Biology
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Studies of expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) have become an
important tool for  understanding the genetic mechanisms underlying natural
variation in gene expression which is a central goal of both medical and
evolutionary genetics.  Although all eQTL studies so far have measured mRNA
levels using microarrays, recent advances in RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) enable
the analysis of transcript variation at unprecedented resolution.   The
reads produced by RNA-Seq are first mapped to the genome and/or to the
reference transcripts. Then, the output of RNA-Seq can be summarized by a
sequence of 'counts'. That is, for each position in the genome or on a
putative transcript, it gives a count standing for the number of reads whose
mapping starts at that position. Quantitative inference of RNA-Seq data,
such as calculating gene expression levels and isoform expression levels, is
based on these counts. To utilize the data efficiently, it is crucial to
have an appropriate statistical model for these counts. In this talk, we
present some nonparametric models in analyzing the RNA-seq data of nine cell
lines. We will also discuss its potential utility in eQTL mapping studies.

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