====== Discussion - Driver SQLite ====== Currently we're compiling some talks a [[http://www.sqlite.org/|SQLite]] driver development. There is available below an archieve of past talks and, after that, there is a discussion section for further conversations within this topic. [[novo_topico:pedro_pj_bruno|Pedro, PJ, Bruno]] [[novo_topico:contato_em_natal|Contato em Natal]] {{threads>novo_topico}} ~~DISCUSSION~~ --- //[[bsoliveira@leg.ufpr.br|Bruno Silva de Oliveira]] 2007/03/15 09:08// \\ \\ \\ --\\ [[art:blog_sqlite|Here]] is a BLOG sample. This may seem pointless and out of place, but we first tried to compile these conversations as a BLOG, so we currently let it be here just as a sample of the format used by the //blog// plugin.