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rbras_ibc2010 [2010/12/02 09:33]
rbras_ibc2010 [2010/12/09 11:30] (atual)
Linha 12: Linha 12:
 ==== Sessions with changes on presentations ==== ==== Sessions with changes on presentations ====
 === Monday 07/12  === === Monday 07/12  ===
Linha 28: Linha 27:
   Kim-Anh Le Cao (University of Queensland, Australia)   Kim-Anh Le Cao (University of Queensland, Australia)
   ​   ​
-  12:30 Discussant +  12:30 (UNABLE TO COME) Discussant 
-  Paul Eilers (Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands)+  ​**Paul Eilers (Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands)**
 +  16:15 Reitoria Auditorium ​
 +  Contributed Oral 3: Regression Methods
 +  17:42 Bootstrap-based methods for assesing continuous covariate effect in ROC-GAM regression models ​
 +  María Xosé Rodríguez-Alvarez,​ Javier Roca-Pardiñas,​ Carmen Cadarso-Suárez
 +    ​
 +  ​
 +  Epidemiological Methods IV
 +=== Tuesday 08/12 ===
 +  10:30 CONTRIBUTED ORAL 5: Bayesian Methods II
 +  Assessing the Spatial Distribution of Mussel Seed Using Structured Additive Regression Models for Zero-inflated Count Data
 +  Maria P. Pata, Univ of Santiago de Compostela
 +  ​
 +  ​
 +  15:40 CONTRIBUTED ORAL 11: Biosurveillance and Biosecurity
 +  Chair: Renato M. Assuncao (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil)
 === Thursday 09/12  === === Thursday 09/12  ===
Linha 50: Linha 72:
   ​   ​
 === Friday 10/12  === === Friday 10/12  ===
 +  08:30 Garapuvu Auditorium (times to be rearranged)
 +  Invited Session 13: Multivariable model-building with continuous variables ? a comparison of flexible regression approaches
 +  Chair: Elia Biganzoli (Italy) and Willi Sauerbrei (Institute of Medical Biometry and Informatics,​ Freiburg, Germany)
 +  ​
 +  08:30 Comparison of alternative strategies for building a flexible regression-spline based multivariable survival model
 +  Michal Abrahamowicz (McGill University, Canada)
 +  ​
 +  09:00 (WITHDRAW) Model building with P-splines and fractional polynomials
 +  Paul Eilers (Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands)
 +  ​
 +  09:30 Comparison of fractional polynomial and spline approaches in simulated and real data based on new measures
 +  Harald Binder (University Medical Centre, Freiburg, Germany)
 +  ​
 +  10:00 Discussant
 +  Christel Faes (Hasselt University, Belgium)
   10:45 Reitoria Auditorium   10:45 Reitoria Auditorium
Linha 63: Linha 103:
   12:05 Discussant   12:05 Discussant
   Hans van Houwelingen (Leiden University, The Netherlands   Hans van Houwelingen (Leiden University, The Netherlands
Linha 83: Linha 124:
 ---- ----
-  14:17 CONTRIBUTED ORAL 2: Height and union formation in India. +  14:00 CONTRIBUTED ORAL 2: Epidemiological Methods I 
-  ​Jeroen SmitsRadboud Univ Nijmegen; Christiaan MondenOxford ​Univ+  ​Chair: Stijn Vansteelandt (Ghent UniversityBelgium) 
 +  Epidemiological Model Using Celular Automata 
 +  Rosana Massahud, Iraziet Charret, Univ of Lavras
 ---- ----
 +  14:17 CONTRIBUTED ORAL 2: Social Research
 +  Height and union formation in India.
 +  Jeroen Smits, Radboud Univ Nijmegen; Christiaan Monden, Oxford Univ
 +  ​
   14:52 Contributed Oral 2: Social Research ​   14:52 Contributed Oral 2: Social Research ​
   Bayesian hierarchical dynamic models for cortisol stress response on preschoolers:​ cross culture emotion regulation   Bayesian hierarchical dynamic models for cortisol stress response on preschoolers:​ cross culture emotion regulation
Linha 104: Linha 151:
   Interactive multidimensional analysis tool based on radial visualization   Interactive multidimensional analysis tool based on radial visualization
   Carmelo A. Ávila Zarza, Moisés Inestroza, Roberto Theron, Univ of Salamanca   Carmelo A. Ávila Zarza, Moisés Inestroza, Roberto Theron, Univ of Salamanca
 +  10:30 CONTRIBUTED ORAL 5: Bioinformatics
 +  Case-Parent Triad Studies of Genetic Association and Gene-Gene Interaction in the Presence of Missing Data
 +  Tracy Bergemann, Univ of Minnesota; Matthew Deyo-Svendsen,​ Univ of Minnesota Medical Sch -- Duluth Campus
 ---- ----
Linha 149: Linha 202:
 === Friday 10/11 === === Friday 10/11 ===
 +  08:30 CONTRIBUTED ORAL 12: Epidemiological Methods IV
 +  Detecting Rupture Events in the Development of Therapeutic Alliance
 +  Ines Sousa, Univ do Minho
 +  ​
 +  Bootstrap-based methods for assesing continUous covariate effect in ROC-GAM regression models ​
 +  María Xosé Rodríguez-Alvarez,​ Univ of Santiago de Compostela; Javier Roca-Pardiñas,​ Univ of Vigo; 
 +  Carmen Cadarso-Suárez,​ Univ of Santiago de Compostela
 +  10:45 CONTRIBUTED ORAL 13: Disease Epidemiology
 +  Pregnancy-associated breast cancer (PABC) and mortality: the influence of proximity to delivery and time-since-diagnosis
 +  Anna Johansson, Therese Andersson, Karolinska Instt; Sven Cnattingius,​ Karolinska Instt at Karolinska Univ Hosp Solna; Chung-Cheng Hsieh, Univ of Massachusetts Medical Sch; Mats Lambe, Karolinska Instt
   11:15 Invited Session 15: New directions in interval censored time to event data   11:15 Invited Session 15: New directions in interval censored time to event data
   Subtyping of tumors at diagnosis: application of current statusdata methods   Subtyping of tumors at diagnosis: application of current statusdata methods
-  Organised by the Brazilian Region and Argentinean Region of the International 
-  Biometric Society IBC Floripa 2010 
   Debashis Ghosh (Penn State University, US)   Debashis Ghosh (Penn State University, US)
 ---- ----
-  ​10:45 CONTRIBUTED ORAL 13: Multiple Testing  +  CONTRIBUTED ORAL 13: Multiple Testing  
-  Evaluation of testing methods for multiple correlated endpoints ​+  ​11:55 Evaluation of testing methods for multiple correlated endpoints ​
   Ting-Li Su, John Whitehead, Lancaster Univ, UK; Michael Branson, Ekkehard Glimm, Novartis Pharma AG, Basel, Switzerland   Ting-Li Su, John Whitehead, Lancaster Univ, UK; Michael Branson, Ekkehard Glimm, Novartis Pharma AG, Basel, Switzerland
 +  ​
 +  Joint method in model Regression
 +  Hope Mbachu (Imo State Polytecnic Umuagwa Imo State Nigeria
 ---- ----
Linha 224: Linha 298:
   NEW PRESENTING AUTHOR: Luis Eduardo Ospina Forero   NEW PRESENTING AUTHOR: Luis Eduardo Ospina Forero
 +  Poster Session II
 +  Association Of the C Reactive Protein with the Metabolic Syndrome in Students of the Federal University of Viçosa
 +  NEW LIST OF AUTHORS: Daniele Tôrres Rodrigues, Mariane Alves Gomes da Silva, Ana Carolina Pinheiro Volp, Antônio Policarpo Souza Carneiro, UFV
 === Thursday 10/12 === === Thursday 10/12 ===
Linha 237: Linha 315:
   José Emilio Villarroel de la Sota, Dept de Epidemiología,​ Ministerio de Salud de Chile   José Emilio Villarroel de la Sota, Dept de Epidemiología,​ Ministerio de Salud de Chile
   CHANGE: NEW PRESENTING AUTHOR: Francisco Torres Avilés   CHANGE: NEW PRESENTING AUTHOR: Francisco Torres Avilés
 +  ​
 +  10:20 Room 9C Contributed Oral 9: High Dimensional Data III
 +  CHANGE: NEW CHAIR: Julia Pavan (IME/USP)
 ---- ----
Linha 259: Linha 343:
   Applying nonlinear mixed regression models in the design of new probiotic products   Applying nonlinear mixed regression models in the design of new probiotic products
   Birgitt Wiese, Inst for Biometrics; Elena Bru, María Silvina Juarez Tomás, Carolina Espeche, Ctr de Referencia para Lactobacilos;​ Natalia Cecilia Maldonado, Ctr de Referencia; Esteban Vera Pingitore, María Elena Fatima Nader-Macías,​ Ctr de Referencia para Lactobacilos   Birgitt Wiese, Inst for Biometrics; Elena Bru, María Silvina Juarez Tomás, Carolina Espeche, Ctr de Referencia para Lactobacilos;​ Natalia Cecilia Maldonado, Ctr de Referencia; Esteban Vera Pingitore, María Elena Fatima Nader-Macías,​ Ctr de Referencia para Lactobacilos
   11:37 Contributed Oral 13: Multiple Testing ​   11:37 Contributed Oral 13: Multiple Testing ​

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