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software:stlattice [2008/08/05 09:50]
elias criada
software:stlattice [2009/01/14 15:35] (atual)
Linha 1: Linha 1:
 ===== Team ===== ===== Team =====
-Elias and PJ+  - [[:​pessoais:​elais|Elias Teixeira Krainski]] 
 +  - [[:​pessoais:​paulojus|Paulo Justiniano Ribeiro Junior]] 
 +  - **Contact:​** //​stlattice_l AT leg.ufpr.br//​ 
 ===== Abstract ===== ===== Abstract =====
 +**//​Software under construction//​** \\
 An R package to statistical analysis of spatial and spatio-temporal data observed over regular or irregular spatial lattice. ​ An R package to statistical analysis of spatial and spatio-temporal data observed over regular or irregular spatial lattice. ​
 +Currently we implement the autologistic spatio-temporal model with bias reduced logistic regression.
 +The stLattice is a package [[http://​www.r-project.org|for the R software]], a language and enviromnment for statistics and graphics.
 Implemented models: autologistic Implemented models: autologistic
-===== To Do =====+===== Download and install ​=====
-other families of auto-models+Install from within an R session with the command: 
 +install.packages("​stLattice",​ contrib="​http://​www.leg.ufpr.br/​stLattice"​) 
-===== suggestions =====+[[http://​www.leg.ufpr.br/​~elias/​stLattice/​old|Old versions]]
 +===== To Do =====
 +other families of auto-models
 +===== Suggestions =====
 ===== Links ===== ===== Links =====
-  - [[http://​www.leg.ufpr.br/​~elias/​stLattice|stLattice web page]]+  - [[http://​www.leg.ufpr.br/​~elias/​stLattice|stLattice ​OLD web page]]

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