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Reparametrization of COM-Poisson Regression Models
Reparametrization of COM-Poisson Regression Models with Applications in the Analysis of Experimental Count DataAuthors:
Ribeiro Jr, E. E.; Zeviani, W. M.; Bonat, W. H. & Demétrio, C. G. B..Journal:
To appear.Status:
Accepted for oral presentation.Preprint:
- [2018, article]
- Ribeiro Jr, E. E., Zeviani, W. M., Bonat, W. H., Demétrio, C. G. B., & Hinde, J. (2018). Reparametrization of COM-Poisson Regression Models with Applications in the Analysis of Experimental Data. to appear.
Supplement material
Data sets
- Data set 1 (Section 6.1) Artificial defoliation in cotton phenology
- Data set 2 (Section 6.2) Soil moisture and potassium doses on soybean culture
- Data set 3 (Section 6.3) Assessing toxicity of nitrofen in aquatic systems
R codes for analysis
- Graphics configuration Style settings and panel for
graphics - General functions General functions to analysis (log-likelihoods, optimizers, prediction functions, and more)
- Distribution study Distribution study (normalizing constant, moments approximation and indexes to characterized the distribution)
- Simulation study Simulation study (bias of maximum likelihood estimators, covarage rates and orthogonality study)
- Defoliation experiment analysis Results of section 6.1
- Soybean experiment analysis Results of section 6.2
- Nitrofen experiment analysis Results of section 6.3
Source code
- GitHub Repository Git versioned repository, hosted on GitHub.